Chart credit: Madeleine.
- From Shoma (Somomita Taneja):
My parents formal names were Subir Ghosh and Gayatri Ghosh. I’m married Kashayap Taneja and have a daughter, Tannya Taneja. My Grandparents were Surama Sinha (grandmother) and Pashupati Sinha.
Further check required:
Sidhartha Basu has two sisters, nicknames - esha mashi and thabi mashi. Then one more brother. Will check with tapati mamima for their formal names.
L-R: Sharada Mitra, Madeline; Pashupati Sinha; KP Mitra; Robin; Margot Mitra; Gayatri Ghosh; Surama Sinha; SN Mitra; Subir Ghosh; circa 1967-68
From Shoma: This had been clicked at 35 Feroz Shah road, where Ma and Baba used to stay with Pronab Mukherjee and his wife. Baba used to write his speech for the next day in Parliament.
Robin Mitra
L-R: Anima Basu, MK Basu, Monisha Choudhury/ Moon, Pronoti Dey, Biswajit Basu; 1959