Wednesday, 26 October 2022

πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ Tears and Laughs

 From Biswajit Basu:

(Narrated on October 1, 2022)

Reminds me of the day we were in Howrah Station just after we got married.  As was prevalent in those days whole busloads of relatives came to see Swati and me off, homebound to Delhi.

There was this old relative who was trying desperately to say farewell and wish us luck but wasn't able to because his false teeth were popping out every time he opened his mouth. After 5-6 attempts of pushing back his teeth and trying again and again he failed miserably and allowed himself to melt into the background.  Swati who was howling miserably till then as she was leaving her family (no, Shibesh wasnt there.  He was too  busy on some ship on the high seas), now began to laugh hysterically that would put any self-respecting hyena to shame.  She laughed and laughed and changed the mood of the whole congregation.

This broke the ice and all of a sudden everybody was laughing holding their sides and seemed happy to see yours truly leave Calcutta.

Swati never stopped laughing till we left Howrah far behind in the distance.

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